Use this interactive tool to explore detailed data for your area in the month of your choice.
This report is best viewed in full screen mode.
Use this interactive tool to explore detailed data for your area in the month of your choice.
This report is best viewed in full screen mode.
There are a number of factors that influence the frequency of flights.
Firstly, the number and frequency of flights will vary on a daily, weekly and yearly basis due to differences in airline schedules. The airlines schedule flights in response to consumer demand. This is particularly the case around Christmas, Easter, school holidays and Lunar New Year.
Secondly, the runway in use at any given time will also vary, largely due to the wind conditions. Each runway has its own set of flight paths, and each flight path will affect different areas. As the runway in use changes, the flight paths change, and so too do the areas affected by aircraft movements.
This chart shows the total number of flights each hour over the month, compared to the average for last year. Change the selected month to see how it has varied.
The altitudes of aircraft over your area can vary according to:
Find out more on our What are the rules about altitudes? page.
This tool shows the number of flights each day over your area in the selected month compared to the average for last year. The bottom axis shows the day of the month. Use the drop-down menu to change the selected month to see how movements have varied. Hover over each day to see flight numbers.
As part of the Brisbane Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System (NFPMS), Airservices monitors noise levels in areas surrounding Brisbane airport using 16 noise monitors (both long-term and short-term; this number can vary depending on any active airspace/flight path changes). We strategically deploy noise monitors at various locations around the greater Brisbane region to capture data from aircraft operations in differing phases of flight. More information on the Brisbane NFPMS is available here.
Noise monitor data is publicly available on WebTrak, for community members to see the noise level of aircraft as they pass over the monitors. There is currently a 3-minute delay in providing information and we are working to reduce this time.
The below interactive tool provides a monthly report for each long-term noise monitor.
The tool is best viewed in full screen mode. To familiarise yourself with the tool, we advise that you click on the ‘Click here for Help’ button on the bottom right of the tool before use.