What was that flight?

WebTrak is a tool that enables the community to see where aircraft fly and explore historical trends and patterns. WebTrak is provided by Envirosuite .

WebTrak uses information from air traffic control radars to display aircraft movements. The flight search and display function allows you to view aircraft flight activity over metropolitan areas. You can also:

  • locate your street address and have your home appear on the map
  • see noise levels of individual aircraft
  • view information about aircraft type, height, origin and destination
  • display an aircraft’s flight path and point of closest approach to your home
  • zoom in and out down to street level.

Note that there is slight delay on the display of flights.

You can view WebTrak for your region here.

Or, find out more information about WebTrak and how to use it

Gold Coast complaints report

We manage complaints and enquiries about aircraft noise and operations through our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS). The information below is collected for the purpose of complaint management, analysis of issues and identification of causal factors.

For this reason we refer to ‘complainants’ and ‘issues’. Complainants are people who contacted us. While some people submitted enquiries or comments rather than complaints, all are referred to as “complainants”. Issues are the primary concern they raised.

The complaints report

Use this interactive tool to explore the issues raised by residents from different suburbs. For help, click the button in the bottom right-hand corner.

This report is best viewed in full screen mode.

Making an aircraft noise complaint

At Airservices, we regard the safety of air navigation as the most important consideration and as far as practicable we work to protect the community and environment from the effects of aircraft operations, including aircraft noise.

We manage complaints and enquiries about aircraft operations and Airservices Australia’s community engagement activities through our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS). We use complaints and enquiries to help us identify operations of concern and possible opportunities for improvement.

When you contact us, please provide your contact details and as much information about your complaint or enquiry as possible.

You may choose to remain anonymous on the webform, or when calling or writing to us. To receive a response, we require some details including your suburb or location to identify the operations you are enquiring about and an email address to send the response to. By providing your details, we may also send you updates on relevant flight path changes and other Airservices activities in your area.

We will not respond to any submissions that contain threatening, abusive, discriminatory, racist, offensive, obscene, vulgar, profane and inflammatory language. Threatening or unlawful comments may be reported to the relevant state and federal authorities.

If you feel negatively impacted by aircraft noise, you could consider reaching out to one of the following support services:

  • Lifeline 24 hr Counselling Service: 13 11 14
  • Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636

Airservices Australia has extended our Employee Assistance Program to any community member who is feeling negatively affected by aircraft noise. This is a confidential service, free of charge to community members, and is provided completely independently of Airservices Australia. All personal details will be kept confidential. More information is available here or you can call 1300 687 327. If requested, please use “organisation code” AIRSUPPORT and if asked for a “division” please use Community Support.


1800 802 584 (freecall), 10am – 4pm (Sydney time), Mon – Fri (excluding public holidays)


Noise Complaints and Information Service, PO Box 211, Mascot NSW 1460

Interpreter assistance

If you need assistance, please contact the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450.

TIS is a free service that provides access to a telephone interpreter in many different languages.

Other Complaints

NCIS is the Australian aviation industry’s main interface on aircraft noise and related issues for the community. If you have a complaint that does not relate to aircraft noise, visit the Australian Government’s Aviation Complaints website to find the right place to direct your complaint.