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*Please note due to technical issues between 19 June and 22 June 2024, flight data may not be accurately displayed. Our supplier is working to resolve the issue. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Parafield Airport Consultative Committee

Federally-leased airports (excluding Mt. Isa and Tennant Creek) have established Community Aviation Consultation Groups (CACGs), which provide an effective avenue for local community engagement on airport planning and operations, including aircraft noise. The Department for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications provides guidelines for CACGs.

Non federally-leased airports may also choose to establish CACGs or community forums.

CACG membership depends on the characteristics of the airport and any local issues of community concern however, generally includes:

  • airport management
  • aircraft operators
  • community organisations or representatives
  • representatives from state, territory or local government bodies
  • local tourism and business groups.

Airservices does not formally belong to CACGs, but is invited to attend to provide relevant information and assist in discussions. We engage with CACGs on flight path and airspace changes, as well as technical reviews, such as noise monitoring and noise abatement procedures.

Find out more information on the Parafield Airport Consultative Committee webpage.

Adelaide Airport Consultative Committee

Federally-leased airports (excluding Mt. Isa and Tennant Creek) have established Community Aviation Consultation Groups (CACGs), which provide an effective avenue for local community engagement on airport planning and operations, including aircraft noise. The Department for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications provides guidelines for CACGs.

Non federally-leased airports may also choose to establish CACGs or community forums.

CACG membership depends on the characteristics of the airport and any local issues of community concern however, generally includes:

  • airport management
  • aircraft operators
  • community organisations or representatives
  • representatives from state, territory or local government bodies
  • local tourism and business groups.

Airservices does not formally belong to CACGs, but is invited to attend to provide relevant information and assist in discussions. We engage with CACGs on flight path and airspace changes, as well as technical reviews, such as noise monitoring and noise abatement procedures.

Find out more information on the Adelaide Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group webpage.

Adelaide noise monitoring report

Use this interactive tool to explore monthly noise monitoring data.

This report is best viewed in full screen mode.

To learn more about noise monitor terminal locations visit our Adelaide Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System page.

Will flights increase in the future in my area?

Flight Path and Airspace Changes

Visit Engage Airservices to engage with our program of flight path and airspace changes.

Airport Master Plans

Airport Master Plans provide a blueprint for the future development of an airport over a twenty year period. They include information on forecast growth, airport terminals and facilities, runways and flight paths.

Who is responsible for master planning?

Airports are responsible for producing the master plan.

Adelaide and Parafield Airports

The Adelaide Airport Master Plan can be found on the Adelaide Airport website.

The Parafield Airport Master Plan can be found on the Parafield Airport website.

The Adelaide Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System (NFPMS)

We collect noise and operational data from five noise monitors (Environmental Monitoring Unit, EMU) around Adelaide Airport.

Long term noise monitors are listed below according to their location.

Access monthly data on our Adelaide noise monitoring reports page.


Captures arrivals to Runway 23 and departures from Runway 05.

The pattern of noise events reflects the number of departures from Runway 05.


Captures arrivals to Runway 23 and departures from Runway 05.


Located to the south east of the cross runway.

Due to the low level of use of the cross runway, most of the noise events captured are associated with arrivals to Runway 05.


Captures arrivals to Runway 05 and departures from Runway 23.


Located to the north west of the cross runway.

Most of the noise events captured by this noise monitor are associated with departures from Runway 23.

Learn more about monitoring aircraft noise on the Airservices website.

Adelaide and Parafield complaint reports

We manage complaints and enquiries about aircraft noise and operations through our Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS). The information below is collected for the purpose of complaint management, analysis of issues and identification of causal factors.

For this reason we refer to ‘complainants’ and ‘issues’. Complainants are people who contacted us. While some people submitted enquiries or comments rather than complaints, all are referred to as “complainants”. Issues are the primary concern they raised.

The complaints report

Use this interactive tool to explore the issues raised by residents from different suburbs. For help, click the button in the bottom right-hand corner.

This report is best viewed in full screen mode.

Read an explanation of issues and classifications used in complaint reporting.

Investigation: Night time helicopter movements

In response to complainants raising concerns about helicopter movements during the curfew, Airservices investigated all helicopter movements to and from Adelaide Airport between 1 July and 30 September 2016. The investigation found that in each case these movements were emergency services helicopters which are permitted to use the airport during the curfew period.

The curfew applies only to aircraft arriving at or departing from Adelaide Airport. Aircraft travelling between other origins and destinations are permitted to fly over Adelaide during curfew hours.

More information about helicopter operations.