The Perth Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System (NFPMS)
We collect noise and operational data from six noise monitors (Environmental Monitoring Unit, EMU) around Perth Airport. Noise monitors are listed below according to their location.
Access monthly data on our Perth noise monitoring reports page.

Captures arrivals to Perth Runway 03 and departures from Perth Runway 21.
EMU 1 and EMU 2 are overflown by similar aircraft. However, EMU 2 is located closer to, and aligned with, Runway 03/21, which results in it recording higher noise levels.

Captures arrivals to Perth Runway 03 and departures from Perth Runway 21.
Along with EMU 5 (Guildford), EMU 2 records the highest noise levels of all the noise monitors in Perth – these two noise monitors are closest to the end of the runways.

Captures arrivals to Perth Runway 24 and departures from Perth Runway 06.
The seasonal variation in the use of Runway 06/24 is reflected in the values recorded at this monitor.

Captures arrivals to Perth Runway 21 and departures from Perth Runway 03.
Together with EMU 2, EMU 5 records the highest levels of all the noise monitors in Perth. These two monitors are closest to the end of runways and are overflown by both arrivals and departures.

Captures departures from Perth Runway 03.
Noise levels at EMU 37 are lower than at other noise monitors due to it being further from the end of a runway. This noise monitor is set only to capture those departures from Runway 03 that turn to the west.

Captures arrivals to Perth Runway 06 and departures from Perth Runway 24.
The noise levels at EMU 40 are generally low, due to it being aligned with the cross-runway (06-24) at Perth Airport which is used much less than the main runway.
Learn more about monitoring aircraft noise on the Airservices website.