Parafield Training Area
Training Area
A designated training area exists to the north-west of the airport and to the west and north-west of the RAAF Edinburgh Base. Once pilots progress past the circuit training stage of their courses they will begin flying to and around the training area.
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The training area is outside controlled airspace. It extends from St Kilda, which is approximately 10 kilometres west-north-west of the airport, to Long Plains, which is a further 45 kilometres to the north-west of St Kilda. The training area is to the west of this line and extends to 9 kilometres off the coast. It is ‘wedge-shaped’ because it is located in-between military restricted airspace to the west and north and the RAAF Edinburgh Base Control Zone to the east.

From the St Kilda area to just south of Middle Beach the training area exists between the surface (“SFC”) and 2500 feet. North to Long Plains the area extends between the surface and 4500 feet. These levels keep the aircraft below controlled airspace; therefore aircraft do not need a clearance from air traffic control to operate in the training area.
Aircraft wishing to track to the training area from Parafield Airport must remain south of the Bolivar strobe light and west of St Kilda to remain outside controlled airspace. The north- and southbound VFR routes (described above) transit the area.
Activities that may occur inside the training area include parachute operations and light aircraft movements at Lower Light aircraft landing area, as well as training flights by light aircraft in and around the area and aircraft transiting on the north and southbound VFR routes. There can be increased traffic volumes in the area due to use by flight training companies from Parafield Airport and because all aircraft are confined to a relatively small area due to the surrounding military airspace including RAAF Base Edinburgh.