Investigation: Southern departures trial
Some aircraft departing from Runway 14 (to the south) fly over residential areas near the airport, including Banora Point and Chinderah. A proposed change to this flight path was submitted to Airservices in 2012-13 by residents groups to the south of Gold Coast Airport. It aimed to reduce the noise impacts for residents by directing jet departures from Runway 14 to the south-west to maximise tracking over the Banora Point Golf Course.
Aircraft commenced flying the modified flight path in January 2015 under a 12-month trial which concluded in January 2016. This timeframe covered normal seasonal patterns and allowed the community to provide their feedback about the trial.
After conclusion of the trial a review was undertaken which included consideration of community feedback received and data from noise monitoring undertaken to determine whether there was any increase or reduction of noise experienced by local residents.
The trial did not achieve the intended noise reductions and also unintentionally concentrated flights over Farrants Hill. Due to this, and in consideration of community feedback, we decided not to implement the trial flight path permanently.
Reinstatement of the original Runway 14 departure procedure took effect on 23 June 2016. This required us to update procedures in compliance with current design rules and limitations. Waypoint locations remain the same, but the waypoint closest to the runway was changed from a fly-by to a fly-over.
Further information about the trial can be found on Engage Airservices website.