Investigation: Departures during curfew

During the curfew (11pm to 6am) aircraft that are permitted to operate must depart towards the south over the water from Runway 16R (the western most of the parallel runways). The flight path used during the curfew is closer to the coast than the flight path used during the day.

The Aircraft Noise Ombudsman asked us to investigate whether it was feasible to move the curfew flight path further away from the coast. We found this was feasible but a more practical solution was to make the daytime jet departure path available for the non-jet aircraft that fly during curfew.

This would improve noise impacts during the curfew by moving aircraft further east of Cronulla, Bundeena and nearby areas. 

The change was implemented from 9 November 2017.

Further information about the change can be found on the Airservices website.

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