Investigate flight path usage in your area

WebTrak My Neighbourhood (left) is an extension of WebTrak that presents historical information about aircraft noise and flight path use to provide an understanding of patterns over time.
Using this tool you can explore arrival, departure or both types of flight paths by month, quarter or year to see:
- the percentage of traffic on each flight path
- the number of aircraft that used the flight path
- the number of hours the flight path was not used
- weekday and weekend use
- day, evening and night-time use
- noise monitoring data
Access information about how to use WebTrak My Neighbourhood, including a downloadable guide
Visit WebTrak My Neighbourhood – Gold Coast
Below: a departure flight path ‘swathe’ with tag showing percentage of departure traffic, number of flights and hours of respite for that flight path in the selected timeframe

Below: Click the “i” on any flight path tag to see more detailed data

Below: noise monitoring data tags