Bankstown and Camden Airport – Training areas
There are a number of designated flight training areas to the west and south-west of Bankstown Airport and surrounding Camden Airport. Once pilots progress past the initial circuit training stage of their learning they will begin flying to and around these training areas.

These areas extend from ground level to between 2,500 feet to 4,500 feet. The closer the training area is to Sydney Airport, the lower the upper limit will be to ensure that aircraft do not conflict with arrivals and departures using Sydney Airport.
In addition to pilot training, activities including model aircraft flights, ultralight aircraft flights, as well as aerobatic flights can occur. Parachute jumping generally occurs to the south of the training areas over the Wilton aerodrome area. Transiting aircraft may also track over the area.
The training areas are outside controlled airspace. This means that aircraft are not being directed by air traffic control. The following image shows the density of aircraft using the training areas and flying between the training areas, Camden and Bankstown Airports over a typical three-month period.
The colour indicates the density – the hotter and deeper the colour, the greater the number of movements. The legend in the bottom right-hand corner indicates the number of movements per quarter depicted by each colour.